
Spring Semester

April 08, 2019

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I picked this up at the library because I haven’t read it since I was a kid. This was one of my favorite books growing up and it was so interesting to read again but from an adult’s perspective. If you haven’t ever read this book, you should. It’s one of those books that makes you think and is unlike anything I had ever read before. It’s a futuristic/dystopian sort of book which is funny because this is totally NOT the genre I enjoy reading nowadays. This was a fun book to go back to that took me a couple lunch break reading sessions to finish. I am hoping to do more re-reads this year like this one!


Overcoming Inner Struggles

April 08, 2019

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It’s so hard to believe that we’re already a quarter of the way through 2019. I feel like it was January 2 minutes ago. I am pleased to report that for the third month in a row, I am on track to hit my reading goal of 52 books this year. I am still so excited that there’s a possibility that I accomplish this goal. As a busy grad student, finding time to read wasn’t always my top priority but it’s honestly amazing how much reading I can get done just by dedicating 30 mins a day to a good book.
If you want to catch up on what I’ve read so far this year, here are my posts from January and February. And if you like keeping up with what I read in real time, you can follow me on Instagram where I post pics of what I’m reading all the time or you can add me on Goodreads! AND in case you forgot, I’m participating in the POPSUGAR Reading Challenge this


Skin Care Routine For Spring

April 01, 2019

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  • Along with starting my spring placement, I’ve also started my last semester of classes! I’m in four classes right now: Cochlear Implants, a research course on Child Language Interventions, Feeding Beyond Dysphagia, and a course on Medically Complex Cases. They don’t meet every week (I only have class on Fridays) but we have at least two of the four every Friday.
  • Ryan started a finance blog! He has been interested in FI/RE (financial independence/retire early) for the past few years. He started out reading threads on Reddit but has now began reading books and is blogging about what he knows and has experienced! If that’s something you’re interested in, I definitely recommend following him. He is really knowledgeable but also really great at explaining it in a way that is easy to understand. I knew absolutely nothing about it and now I know everything I need to without reading one Reddit thread or finance book. He has taught me so much! You can also read the post he wrote for me about the basics of financial planning!
  • I started working with my spin studio! Back in February, I emailed the owner of the studio and asked if she needed/wanted my help doing the newsletters, social media, and blogging on the website. She said yes and the rest is history. I have been doing the newsletters for almost a month now and I have really enjoyed designing them and making them more interesting to read! I’m also getting free classes now because of it which has really helped my depleting wallet. Once my grad school responsibilities have diminished, I really want to start tackling more!
  • met a bookstagram friend IRL! Jess AKA @bibliophilly_ on IG lives really close to me and we went to dinner earlier this week! It was so fun to get to talk about life and books in person and we had a really yummy meal.

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